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Gnostic christian christening / sacred blessing : free / donation basis


Christening is not to be regarded merely as a ceremony devised for the Christian naming of infants. It is a sacrament, in which the children are brought publicly to be Christened in which they are brought into the Spiritual Presence of God, in order that they may receive His Holy Blessing. A yellow blessing. Similar to the blessing confered in Reiki 1 attunement. It is a service of consecration and dedication, of faith and thanksgiving and worship of God or the Holy Spirit.


Baptising with flowers and the giving of Spirit names to children, are sometimes favoured. During the service I connect to God and the Holy Spirit and receive in prayer a name for the child based on thier spiritul qualities. It should be regarded only as an addition to the ceremony of baptising by water, which symbolises the Divine Power of the Holy Spirit, to be as a sure protection for the years that lie in front. After the Service, a Certificate of Baptism is made out by me and handed to the parents.


Musical therapy / Sacred vocals up to the Kanun: Price on request


Please select this option if you are a spiritual seeker or talented at singing and you want to expand your range to a trilllion, million or 10 000 lines and 50 scores if you stay after the 10 day clause on release. If you hit a billion singularity points I will release you to a recording house. Singing to the great backtun kanun. That is the creation or super 8 we are in and it's eight nearest neighbours that are mutually inteligible. Only very few make 1 trillion blended notes or even sound out there in eternity. In this service I give you Latin hymns and verse customized and scientific math that will take sound from those that deserve it outside. Simple enough for a rapper to follow. Price on request: you get what you pay for; 1 dollar per line arc in your singing range.



Sacred House blessing / Space clearing : Price on request


House blessing is an ancient tradition that invites positive energy into your home. Your home is an extension of your body and spirit. As you give to your home, you give to yourself. As you might have experienced, your space reflects and affects your inner life. If you bless your home and lavish it with love, it becomes a gracious holder of your dreams. Part of the ceremony is clearing out old, negative or stuck energy left by previous owners. During a house blessing, you can imbue the space with love, harmony, health, happiness, and prosperity.


It is especially potent to do a house blessing after cleaning the physical rooms and performing a space cleansing. You should always clean before you energize. Blessing your house is akin to energizing it with prayers and positive intentions. You can do a house blessing before you move into a new space or when you want to bless a space you already inhabit in a new, purposeful way. You may also want to withdraw your energy from previous places you have lived in and invite this energy into your new living space, house or home.



Life coaching therapy sessions: R400 ($40) (€40) / hour


A life coaching therapy session is similar to a healing session, however during the clinical therapy session  we focus on developing the person against society through the 8 functions of ones life-cycle; financial/spiritual, health/career, relationships/self development, leisure/home and family. We may work on nurturing the psyche states and use a variety of modalities to explore your inner world to elevate and super actualize oneself. This could include ego state therapy, somatic experiencing, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Past-life hypnotherapy (PLR) Life between life hypnotherapy (LBL) Atlas stress adjustment balancing Trauma release exercises (TRE) and the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). I also use standard scientific therapeutic tools and depending on where you are in the world I may team up with a panel of experts to bring you through all your challenges.



ESP Awakening, cultivation and repair: price on request


During the initial session we work out a plan of action for a procedure to awaken, unlock and fix or repair a variety of ESP senses that you have on your etheric body. I have worked in the para-medical feild for over 5 years now but have over 100 years of inherited talent along this line. I know the genetics of over 5000 types of senses and have studied how the senses combine, grow and mature through out life. The senses are part of your ethnicity and you may be quite surprised to find you have inherited from a different race group than you would expect. I share tips on how to use the senses and can arrange by law for you to have time where you test each sense and see what it does. I also give a gaurentee on all my work in the case of a repair. 



Atman (Inner Spirit) Activation sessions: R450 ($45) (€35) /  2 hour

An atman activation session is similar to a hypnotherapy regression session, however in this session your inner star (Ka) of healing and awakening will be activated so that your growth on the spiritual path toward Letoya may be accelerated. During the session we explore your inner world in relation to the cosmos and find your true place where you are at heart in eternity. We explore what your soul does between lives and interact with the heirarchy of the spiritual world. These sessions bring back life purpose and drive when life has become mundane and heavy. One session a week for a month will guarentee that your drive and determination will be released and you will be backed by sentient universal forces for a full year. 



Usui Reiki energy healing: R200 ($20) (€20) / 30 minutes


Reiki is pronounced “Ray – Key”. Rei is the Japanese word which means “universal” and is referring to a higher dimension of light and soul. Ki is the Japanese word which means the vital life force energy which interpenetrates and connects everything. In a Reiki healing session I use the energy of the white ray to cleanse the aura and recycle negative dreams, the green ray to clear and re-program the mind and the silver ray to heal the body tissue. I may also use Kundalini-Reiki to open and balance the chakras. 


Shakti/Shiva Energy Healing sessions: R200 ($20) (€20) / 30 minutes


With transmission of Shakti/Shiva energy into your bodies (physical, etheric/light bodies) your aura is lightened up and I can feel at a certain point during the session the energy/light radiating from your aura to indicate to me that your aura has been energized and rejuvenated. The energy primarily enters your crown chakra and from there flows like water where needed as an intelligent force for healing and awakening. Your 7 main chakras as well as earth star chakra will be opened and also balanced with all the other chakras. Transmission of Shakti energy and Shiva light grants healing on multidimensional levels including:


  • Physical - the Shakti energy transmission can reduce physical pain in the body and is great for healing the organs in the midriff especially.

  • Emotional - the energy transmission brings more light into your body and can clear certain emotions and helps you settle them by giving you a sense of containment, being grounded, content and general sense of well-being. 

  • Mental - the light of Shiva can bring mental clarity and a quiet mind and help with paranoia and anxiety. 


Shamanic Journeying: R100 per day ($10 per day) (€10 per day)


I consult you about an issue in your family, an event that happened in the past, and do a traditional Yaqui Shamanic journey overnight to investigate your issue and report on this the next day as we explore how to find closure and healing of the situation. During this process I journey into the past / push my consciousness back in time and visit this or alternative realities from the bhuddic plane (unity) where all is one into the seperate parallel earths. You may be interested to request a journey if you are aware of parallel selves living on this planet (from dreams on the upper casual) or need insight into something that happened to you or your ancestors. I am a skilled Journeyman and can outrun the hare ... later on as you become super actulised I lead you to journey with me and eventually release you to the world. 




WoW. That was an interesting diagnosis. I'm still in awe. Thank you. I just have SO many questions that I hope to one day get answers to. You mentioned There are many issues that we can work on from past lifetimes ... suicidal ideation, depression and so on. I am ready for your guidance going forward.
Thank YOU and loads of love and light and beautiful blessings to you..”

Herasha Randhir, KZN, South Africa

" I listned to the whole CD - you can be proud of this talent - what a voice and range he is not only a a baritone : hear how he reaches the high notes and then there IS the "throw away" sometimes at the end :that is so Dom ! What a voice !!! X

Gerda Nicholson, Western Cape, RSA

"What a joy to receive your healing... I was surrounded by bliss and relaxation during the session. Unexpected and very welcome. It seems the external barriers are releasing and I can absorb the healings much more. On the way in to work this morning, I sensed the deep wholeness. I will attune to my spinal column and seek to move energy with my will up and down, so I can be more aware of places where the energy is slowing or diverting. Thank you for showing me this, I can open my perceptions to ask this to be cleared too. Joyous moments while in Peru and experimenting with lenses given as gifts within the chakras. To see the rainforest through a geometric lens... sheer glory."


Jennifer Schofield, Boulder, CO, USA

Rosella has been completely cough free, not even a peep in the morning, for about 5 or 6 days....maybe even longer. And the sniffing is practically undetectable. While she is healthy I would like to have you do another session with her. I am hoping to nail down preventative care for her....starting with you. :).”

Elizabeth Krier, Boulder, CO, USA

Thank you for doing what you did. It felt like a spiritual shower!!! I could feel you working in the stomach. You moved to the heart and it opened beautifully and on full blast ...  I could feel you going to a kidney and it felt good. You went down into the belly and all the pain shoots I have had were gone ...   Like I said it was a spiritual shower in a body and it felt heavenly."

Lia Bulkes, Sussex, WI, USA

"Dominic's gifts have the breadth and depth to stretch and expand one's internal world - such as traveling to akashic library, visiting other dimensions, kundalini activation and clearing chakra centers, seeing future timelines and clarifying one's gifts and life purpose - to profoundly affect one's external experience. He is an extraordinary human being."

Judith Beshel, Denver, CO, USA

" There in NO way that I would be where I am today without the help and guidance you gave me, and for this I am so VERY grateful!   You helped me to understand myself on a spiritual level and answered so One thing I especially appreciate is your helping me to stop taking on the karma of others.   You taught me about planetary lives, lenses, and soul shards and even helped me to retrieve some of them.   You did all of these things without judgement of who I am or what I've done."

Susan Goodman, Paradise Valley, AZ, USA

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